One Stop Geospatial Search Engine
Note : Here, URLs mean link of documents, examples, scripts, downloadable geospatial data, geospatial services, tools, templates, web applications and mobile apps etc. which are in PUBLIC domain (i.e. available online). Geospatial world is transforming from ‘Data to Services’ by adopting a way of building & consuming services thru generic / specific configured and/or customized apps, may it be through any (web, mobile and desktop) platform. The end user is always in search of required URLs for checking availability of and usability for finding a solution (or alike) of their problem which belongs to a location. The biggest concern here is to find the right URLs availability publicly on the right time. The most popular search engines provide result-sets out of ‘everything’ (GIS & non-GIS) matches to the entered key-word/s. If user visits a particular portal /site that lists many URLs e.g. let’s take an example of a portal of proprietary pr...